Yesterday we had Cannon's 2 month appt complete with multiple shots and everything. He didn't do too bad - I think he cried more when she was trying to measure his (big) head and look in his He did a little screaming after the first prick but the nurse did all 3 of them really fast and by the time she was putting the bandaids on him he was settling down. He did his usual scream-which turned to holding his breath-which then turned his face beet red before he finally came up for air and then he was done. I remember with Brooklynn, the older she got, the worse it became - they are more aware and react to it much worse.
Anyway....its official Cannon is growing like a weed and climbing the charts....and we have the numbers to back it up.
Here are his stats from his 2 month visit:
Weight = 11 lbs 5.5ozs = 50th percentile
Height = 22.75" = 50th percentile
Head = 41cm = 75th percentile
compare those stats to his last appt at 2 weeks:
Weight = 6 lbs 14.8ozs = 10th percentile
Height = 19.75" = 25th percentile
Head = 36.75 cm = 50th percentile
Poor guy had no idea what was about to happen to are a couple pics I took while we were waiting for the nurse to come in to give the shots - he was just all laid out on the exam table completely relaxed - very unusual for him....
Needless to say, by the time he got home, he was worn out and slept most of the evening and then thankfully went to bed like normal and slept 6 hours straight! You just never know what different experiences/ events will do to their schedule, but luckily he is doing just fine today :)
Kristen it was so good to meet you too Saturday! You have a beautiful family!! It sounds like little Cannon is doing great and just a growing away!! I love that stage, so sweet!