Thursday, April 14, 2011

13 Months

Our little man is growing like a weed - can't believe yet another month has has flown by.  Seems like each month goes by even faster than the last.  We have had a good month - been healthy for the most part and just been living our day to day life.  Cannon is constantly learning and trying new things - including testing his limits with us.  He loves to explore and see what he can find - and is learning the art to driving his sister crazy.....oh the fun times.  Its going to get really interesting soon when he really starts getting into her stuff....hahahaha.  Payback for Brooklynn for her bugging her big brother...hahahaha - the circle of!'s what Cannon is up to at 13 months:

•Weighs 24.1 lbs according to his Dr's appt last week

•Wears size 4 diapers

•Wearing mainly size 18 mos and 24 mos clothing.  Also can wear several pieces of clothing in size 2T - definitely following in his sister's footsteps - going to be a big boy!

•Finally made the switch to whole milk (yay - its like a pay raise not having to buy formula all the time) Still has been drinking 4 bottles per day.  Our  next goal is to get hime switched over to a sippy cup instead of a thing at a time :)

•Still a great eater - definitely doesn't miss any meals - hahahaha!  Loves his pasta, fruits, veggies, etc.  And he is definitely my boy - he LOVES french!

•Still cruises along while holding onto things.  Loves to walk around if we are holding both his hands and is getting really good at it...but has no desire to try it on his own yet - or even holding just one of our hands - has to be both or he will just sit himself down.

•He now crawls the normal crawl everywhere - and he has gotten FAST!

•Still has the same 6 teeth - nothing new still.

•Made yet another trip back to the dr last week - he had a yeast infection - seriously?  Didn't know a boy could get that....but I guess from being on antibiotics pretty much all winter, his system was just all messed up - poor little guy!

•Sleeps 8pm-8am - although he is starting to wake up a little earlier...trying to guide him back in the right direction - ha!

•His napping schedule seems to have settled back down and went back to his 2 naps every day.  Although now it seems like the morning was is becoming the longer one - usually goes down around 11am and sleeps until 12:30-1:00pm...and then a shorter nap in the afternoon around 3:30/4:00 - 5pm.

•Still eats and/ or chews everything he can get his hands on

•Loves to play with his water table he got for his birthday - he loves any and all water - until you pour it over his head and then he is done.

•Still enjoys his walker outside....he is super fast in it.  The minute you put him in it - he takes off and runs straight for the road.  Also loves to be pushed around in Brooklynn's little pink car outside.  He will hold his hands up in the air like he is on a roller coaster - so cute!

•If I put him on the ground outside, he will do a crab walk kind of crawl - up on his hands and feet so his knees don't touch the ground - its hilarious.

•No new words since last update - just Mama & Dada still but we are working on it.

•Loves to sit on the floor with me and roll the ball back and forth - thinks it is the funniest thing ever.

•Loves when we sing to him - favorite song is "If you're happy and you know it...."

And now of course the pics.....he is just such a mess.  His hair is out of control and as much as I love his curls...I know the time is coming when I have to take him for a haircut.  All those curls make this little boy hot!!!  It will be a sad day..hoping he keeps at least some of them - I love his messy look - its just so Cannon :)

And Brookie wanted her picture taken too - and wanted a sign just like I figured out exactly how old my little girl was and took her pic too - she was so excited!  When did she get so big???

And since everyone was in a picture taking mood...I thought I would try to get a cute pic of these two.....hahahaha - what a joke!  They wouldn't leave each other alone!

 Look out Brookie - its the attack of the Cannon!!!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Brooklynn

Miss Brooklynn is another busy little girl in our house.  She keeps us on our toes just as much as Cannon - but just in a different way.  Where Cannon is just getting into mischief and exploring, Brooklynn is challenging us with her independence and stubborness.  I still haven't decided which age is harder - they both definitely have their moments.

The last few months with Brooklynn have been non-stop as well.  There always seems to be something going on or somewhere to go.  Brooklynn is all about playing outside and being with her friends - my social butterfly :)

Brookie also was hit with the same bugs as Cannon - she generally would have them first and then pass them along to her little brother.  Somehow the 2 older boys in the house seem to have escaped all of it.  I only got a little bit here and there.  The worst was when both Brooklynn & Cannon were both sick at the same time with different things - just knowing that they were spreading more stuff back and forth.  I never thought it was going to end. 

Here is a glimpse of Brookie's life the last couple of months....

Back in February, she got to go to her first Daddy/Daughter Dance at the church.  She was so excited!  She even got a corsage from her sweet!

Waiting on her Prince Charming to arrive.....

Beginning of March she got to celebrate Go Texan Day at school.  She insisted on wearing her hair in pig tails....she thought she was pretty cool :)

Always finding new games to play with her toys.  She was having a blast making this plastic ping pong ball fly around inside this cup....

Brooklynn loves to bake.  I am trying to continue to encourage her to enjoy it since I really don't enjoy cooking at all - baking isn't too bad...but honestly if I never did it again...I'd be just fine.  Of course our baking at this point consists of the already made/pre-measured cookie dough...where all you have to do is put it on a cookie sheet and throw it in the oven.  But for me thats about all I can handle...hahahaha.  And Brookie loves it so its a win-win situation :)

More pigtails this day....
 Such a sweet sweet girl.  I can't believe how grown up she is really starting to look - and how TALL she is!!!  She is a big girl!!!  Hard to believe she is still only 3 years old!

And trying to get a cute pic of these two rugrats is next to impossible.  The faces I catch...priceless!!

Seriously...look how big she looks!?!?!?!

Again...trying to get a good pic of them - guess it wasn't really the best time - Brookie was in the middle of eating her lunch and Cannon was overdue for his nap....oops!
This pic cracks me up b/c it looks like Cannon is just standing there and walking around....oh how I wish he was walking!  He is heavy!  And yes...I do know what I am wishing for and everything that comes with him walking...but believe me - he is HEAVY and he is already more than capable of getting into more trouble than I can keep up with at any given time!  And I felt the exact same way with Brooklynn and I was the happiest person alive when she started walking - freedom!!!  But I think we still have some more time before we get to that point....he's in no rush to become Mr Independent....he is a Momma's Boy all the way through and is more than happy to be carried around everywhere...hahahaha!  But I am ok with that too....I love how cuddly he is :)

Random Cannon

So I have totally neglected this blog lately - just can't seem to motivate myself to sit down and do a new post and upload the pics.  I know I will regret it b/c I find myself always going back and looking at older posts and I am so thankful to have it all written down b/c you honestly forget so much.  So I thought I would do a couple posts to attempt to catch up on the last couple months  what we have been up to.

We had a rough few months with various sicknesses in our house.  Cannon seemed to catch anything & everything that came through the doors.  We went through numerous colds, the stomach flu, strep throat, pink eye, multiple ear infections, etc.  I keep hoping that he is getting his immune system in order for when he starts at the same school as Brooklynn  in the fall!  Now with the weather getting better/warmer we seem to have moved on from all these nasty germs.  Now we are just dealing with the wonderful Houston allergies!

We spend A LOT of time outside lately - the weather has been incredible - we are actually getting a Spring this year - so we are taking full advantage of it as we know what is just around the corner.

Cannon has been enjoying getting to play with his birthday presents - he is loving this water table.  I have a feeling this will be a very popular toy this summer - anything to stay cooled off :)

This poor boy has so much curly, thick hair.  I hate to cut it, but he is going to melt when it gets really hot outside.  This particular day it was pretty warm and already he was sweating to death - so I just slicked back his hair and he was good to go.

And following in his big sister's footsteps....he has discovered the dog crate and suprise surprise...he loves it!!!  Anytime he heads to the kitchen - about 2 seconds later you can usually find him inside the cage....or playing in the dog's water bowl.  This boy is a mess!

Cannon got his first pair of big boy shoes....not totally a fan yet...but figured it was time that he learn to wear know...for the day when he decides he is (finally) ready to walk - ha!

Poor Daisy...another kid in the house to torment can see her through the gate glaring at Cannon and growling like  And of course the more she growls, the more Cannon bangs on the gate - such a vicious cycle!

Look at all those curls!!!  When it is humid out (99% of the time in Houston) his hair turns sooooo curly.....such a mess!!!

This little boy is so much fun but he is definitely a handful.  He keeps me on my toes from the minute he wakes up until he goes to sleep.  He is into everything and loves to explore all over and goes looking for trouble!  I only wish I had half his energy! :)