Friday, January 14, 2011

10 Months

Our little man is 10 months old today...hard to believe in 2 short months he will be a year old.  This last month he really seems to have had a major growth spurt - both in size and developmentally - all of a sudden, he seems so much older.  He really interacts with us now and you can tell there is starting to be understanding on his part when we talk to him - its so neat when they get to this stage.  We've got a busy busy boy on our hands too - he goes from the time he wakes up until the time we put him down for a nap or bedtime - non-stop!  He goes looking for trouble - into everything and full of mischief.  He knows how to wear this Mommy out! :)

Here is what Cannon is up to these days at 10 months old:

•Weighs 22 lbs - doesn't seem to have gained much weight in the last month but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact he is so active and never stays still for a second.

•Wears size 4 diapers - we have a few more size 3 that we are trying to finish off and then its finally to size 4 - definitely over due!

•Wearing 12 months and 12-18 months size clothing.  We can still squeez him into some size 9 months....but they are definitely snug.

•Drinks 7 ozs in each bottle - 4 times a day - I think he is starting to wean himself from formula - he has started leaving a couple ounces in most bottles - or it could be b/c it requires him to sit still for too long to drink it - ha!

•Great eater - eats yogurt and sometimes a banana for breakfast, a jar of fruit and puffs for dinner and a a jar of veggies for dinner - and often will have some of what we are eating - (pasta, mashed potatoes, etc)

•Finally figured out how to go from sitting to crawling so he is off in a totally different room in 2 seconds flat once you put him down

•Loves to stand up - but still needs help to get himself up.  I think that is coming soon too b/c he is starting to reach up and want to get himself up..just hasn't figure it out quite yet.

•Loves to play on Brooklynn's little trampline she got for Christmas.  He will actually whine until I lift him up there.  He just stands there squealing and is so happy.  He loves when I make him bounce a bit - giggles non stop with a huge grin.

•Army crawling is still his method of getting around - he has perfected it and can get around to anywhere he wants in record time

•He has 6 teeth now - 4 on top and 2 on bottom.  I thought he was getting another 2 teeth on the bottom...but so far they haven't appeared.  I am happy that we are having a break from teething - it was really rough b/c he got all those ones more or less at the same time - not a fun time!

•Had another double ear infection just before a new antibiotic for it and ended up breaking out in a full body rash with hives for about a week - finally cleared up!

•Back to sleeping 12 hours/night....from 8pm to 8am.  During the teething mess...he woke up several times in the night crying so we are happy to have our awesome sleeper back.

•Takes 2 naps a day - one longer one about 2-2.5 hours and the other around an hour

•Anything he can get his hands on will go straight into his mouth - loves to chew on anything and everything

•Will tolerate the exersaucer for a little bit but gets tired of being restrained and would much rather be crawling around looking for trouble.  Definitely not as big of a fan as he used to be - too bad for me!  Miss the days I could just put him in it and he'd be content for a long period of time - I could actually get stuff done without having to worry what he was getting into or where he snuck off to.

•He is getting into everything - finds anything and everything he can get his hands on and tries to eat it...paper,fluff, string, etc.  Drives me crazy b/c he ends up gagging on it....scares me to death b/c I am so scared he is going to choke.  No matter how much we vacuum or pick up pieces off the floor, he will still find something else.

•Loves to clap his hands - he is so proud of himself...its hilarious!

•Loves to dance to music - he just rocks back and forth with his cute!

•Babbles constantly - he just started saying ma ma but I'm pretty sure its not in relation to me - its just his sound of the moment.  I think I have heard him say da da but same thing - not in relation to anyone/anything.

•Celebrated his first Christmas.  Of course he really didn't get it, but he was more happy to try to eat all the wrapping

•Saw his first snow at Grandma's house up in Canada.  Was NOT a fan of the cold so we didn't even attempt to let him play in the snow.  Maybe next time!

And now...onto the monthly pics.  Its definitely getting  more challenging with each month.  Looking through these pics, I was laughing so hard b/c so many of them are of him trying to escape.

I managed to get a couple of good ones of him sitting peacefully with his sign..

 The he decided he had enough and was on his way....

 Absolutely no fear...he tried to go off head first off the

So I went to put him back on the chair...and of course he refused to sit still and wanted to stand.  So after fighting with him to sit down and losing, I held him up for a second and he was so happy this is what we got instead...
 Then he realized his sign was up there...and well we all know how that turns out!!!

 Of course...straight to the mouth!

Our little photoshoot was done - and I was ready for a nap...too bad he wasn't :(


  1. So precious! He is getting so's happening too fast! Stooop! I love how he is eating paper, Connor loves to eat paper right now...he's my little goat :P

  2. Too cute! Thanks for the comment about my son's room. We purchased his bed from Target and I totally forgot the name of the manufactuer, but they went out of business. It's something to look into, cause it is a pain if you can't find them. Good Luck!

  3. Those pictures are cracking me up! He certainly is it. Poor guy with the ear infections...that is no fun. And 10 months sounds SO old!!

  4. How is he already 10 months old!?!?! That's crazy!! What a cutie. I miss that age.
