Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Haircuts

Yesterday was a BIG day in our house.....not only was it the first day back at school for at least one of the kids (I'll save the first day post and pics for later), but I finally broke down and took Brooklynn and Cannon for their First Haircuts...EVER!  Both of them had this milestone on the same day...lol! 

Brooklynn is 3.5 years old - will turn 4 in just over 2 months so I think she was long overdue for this to happen and Cannon - well anyone that has ever seen Cannon knew how much hair this kid had...lol!

I think it was the hardest on me - ha!  I was ready for Brookie to get her hair cut - she no longer had the cute little curls on the bottom and it was just starting to look stringy amd uneven.  But I was having such a hard time with Cannon and his precious curls.  But I knew it had to be done - this heat was melting him.  He looks really cute with his new big boy look, but I do miss those curls....it will just take time to adjust. :)

Here are a few pics from our big day....

BEFORE PIC....bye curls..  :(

 Cannon wasn't too sure at first about this whole thing....

But then he settled down once he realized he could 'drive' his car and watch cartoons...

Almost done....

All done...now he didn't want to get out of the car...go figure!

Next up..Brookie's turn...poor girl barely fit in her car...lol!

She did so well.....sat still the entire time and watched her favorite movie...Cars.

Almost done....

Not a drastic cut, but just trimmed it and straightened it up.  We got some longer layers to give it some more volume...her hair is so fine.

All done - such a pretty girl with braids :)

Cannon was busy playing at the train table while his big sister had her turn

And my two new kids..hehehehe

Make sure to check out the new monthly post below for Cannon too :)   Running a little behind these days...hahahaha!

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